An Irish Shoeworker’s Story
The following account is one of the earliest oral histories with an immigrant shoeworker in Lynn. The interviewee, who is unnamed, was born in 1859 and came to the US in 1866. He was interviewed in 1938 by Jane K…
Dudley Street
Frank Storer plays piano to a crowded dance hall at the Intercolonial Club on Dudley Street in the 1950s. It was one of at least five dance halls that featured live music by Irish and Canadian bands in the mid-20th…
Irish in East Boston
Homes and businesses along Marginal Street (ca. 1900-1910) across from the docks in East Boston, where many Irish laborers lived and worked in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Courtesy of the City of Boston Archives.
Cholera Report
In the summer of 1849, Boston was engulfed in a cholera epidemic that spread from England to the US via emigrant ships. Irish immigrants were particularly hard hit by the disease, accounting for more than 500 of the 611 recorded deaths…