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A postcard of Dorchester Avenue. A yellow streetcar travels down the street along with a horse-drawn wagon. On either side of the street are mixed-use buildings.


Postcard showing Dorchester Avenue near the corner of Savin Hill Avenue, ca 1913. Courtesy of the Dorchester Historical Society.

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A postcard of "Harvard Avenue, Allston, Mass." There is a street on the left of the postcard with lines for a streetcar. On the side of the street are numerous businesses, such as a ten cent store, candy store, and cafe, along with automobiles.


   Postcard of Harvard Avenue in Allston Village, between Commonwealth and Brighton Avenues, 1921. Courtesy of the Brighton Allston Historical Society.

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Joe Portaleki PDF

The owner of the Ace Hardware store in Roslindale, Josef (Joe) Porteleki was born in 1947 in Hungary, son of Gertrude Gerersdorfer, an Austrian national, and Joszef Porteleki, a Hungarian. Joe and his family were among the more than 900,000 war…

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A photograph of Belgrade Avenue and Birch Street. On the corner, in the center of the photograph, is a curved building that is three-stories. On the first floor is a grocer with a sign that reads "T.M. Nulty: Groceries, Provisions." In front of the store is a man with a horse-drawn wagon.


Corner of Belgrade Avenue and Aldrich Street in Roslindale, 1899. Courtesy of Roslindale Historical Society.

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A postcard that depicts "Chelsea Square. Chelsea. Mass." A parkway with streetcars, horse drawn carriages, and pedestrians walking about. The road is in a U-shape and there are large three and four story buildings that mark the sides of the streets.


Chelsea Square, ca. 1905, just prior to the massive fire of 1908 that would destroy the dowtown but also bring thousands of Jewish and other immigrants to this industrial city north of Boston.

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