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Bibliography on Boston Immigrants

General Works

Ethnic Groups

Asian Americans / Brazilians / Cambodians / Canadians / Cape Verdeans / Chinese / Central Americans / ColombiansDominicans / Haitians / Irish / Italians / Jews / Koreans / Latinos / PortugueseSouth AsiansSyrians & Lebanese / Vietnamese / West Indians

Refugees and Asylees

Work and the Economy

Nativism, Racism & Violence



Links to Sources on Greater Boston Area Immigration

Ethnic Newspapers of Greater Boston


General Works

Adams, Bluford. Old and New New Englanders: Immigration and Regional Identity in the Gilded Age. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2014.

Bloemraad, Irene. “The New Face of Greater Boston: Meeting the Needs of Immigrants.” In Governing Greater Boston, edited by Charles C. Euchner, 71–106. Cambridge, Mass: Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston, 2003.

Bluestone, Barry and Mary Huff Stevenson. The Boston Renaissance : Race, Space, and Economic Change in an American Metropolis. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2000.

Buccitelli, Anthony B. City of Neighborhoods: Memory, Folklore, and Ethnic Place in Boston. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2016.

Handlin, Oscar. Boston’s Immigrants : A Study in Acculturation. Rev. ed. Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1979.

Johnson, Marilynn S. The New Bostonians: How Immigrants Have Transformed the Metro Area Since the 1960s. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2015.

Kennedy, Albert J.. The Zone of Emergence: Observations of the Lower Middle and Upper Working Class Communities of Boston, 1905-1914. 2d ed. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1969.

Kutt, Deirdre L. “The Hidden Experience: Untold Stories of Immigrant Agency During the Settlement House Movement in Boston,” M.A. Thesis, University of Massachusetts Boston, 2013.

Petersen, Kristen A. Waltham Rediscovered: An Ethnic History of Waltham, Massachusetts. Portsmouth, NH: PE Randall, 1988.

Stack, John F. International Conflict in an American City : Boston’s Irish, Italians, and Jews, 1935-1944. Contributions in Political Science ; No. 26. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1979.

Sum, Andrew, et al. The Changing Face of Massachusetts. Boston: MassINC, 2005.

US Immigration Commission. Reports of the Immigration Commission. Vol. 26: Immigrants in Cities, Part 5: Boston. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1911.

Woods, Robert Archey. The City Wilderness; A Settlement Study. New York: Garrett Press, 1970.

Wright, Conrad Edick and Reed Ueda, eds. Faces of community: Immigrant Massachusetts, 1860-2000. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2003.

Ethnic Groups

Asian Americans

Bock, Paula and Ken Brusic. The Asians: Quincy’s Newest Immigrants. Quincy, Mass: Patriot Ledger, 1989.

Chung, Tom L. “Asian Americans in Enclaves—They Are Not One Community: New Modes of Asian-American Settlement.” Asian American Policy Review 5 (1995): 78–94.

Song, Elaine. “To Live in Peace: Responding to Anti-Asian Violence in Boston.” Boston, Mass.: Asian American Resource Workshop 1987.

Tolbert, Kathryn. “Kimiko Yamaguchi Amato: With JFK’s Help,” Japanese War Brides: An Oral History Archive. See also the documentary film, Fall Seven Times, Get Up Eight: The Japanese War Brides (Third World Newsreel, 2015).


Cebulko, Kara B. Undocumented, and Something Else: The Incorporation of Children of Brazilian Immigrants. El Paso, TX: LFB Scholarly Publishing, 2013.

Decker, Daniel Brasil. “The Brazilian Immigrant Experience: A Study on the Evolution of a Brazilian Community in Somerville and the Greater Boston Area.” 2006. Urban Borderlands Records. Tufts Digital Collections and Archives.

Fritz, Catarina. Brazilian Immigration and the Quest for Identity. El Paso, TX : LFB Scholarly Publications, 2011.

Jouët-Pastré, Clémence, Leticia J Braga, and David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies. Becoming Brazuca : Brazilian Immigration to the United States. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, 2008.

Marcelli, Enrico, et al. “(In)Visible (Im)Migrants: The Health and Socioeconomic Integration of Brazilians in Metropolitan Boston.” San Diego, Calif.: Center for Behavioral and Community Health Studies, San Diego State University, 2009.

Marcus, Alan P. “The Contexts and Consequences of Brazilian Transnational Migration Processes: An Ethnic Geography in Two Countries.” Ph.D diss., University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2008.

Marrow, Helen. “To Be or Not to Be (Hispanic or Latino): Brazilian Racial and Ethnic Identity in the United States.” Ethnicities 3, no. 4 (2003): 427–64.

Millman, Joel. The Other Americans : How Immigrants Renew Our Country, Our Economy, and Our Values, Chapter 7. New York, NY: Viking, 1997.

Sales, Teresa. Brazilians Away from Home. New York: Center Migration Studies, 2004.

Skorczeski, Laura. “Ethnic Place Making: Thirty Years of Brazilian Immigration to South Framingham, Massachusetts,” MS thesis., Portland State University, 2009.

Siqueira, C. Eduardo and Cileine de Lourenco. “Brazilians in Massachusetts: Migration, Identity and Work.” In Latinos in New England, edited by Andrés Torres, 187–202. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2006.

Tracy, Natalicia Rocha. “Transnational Brazilians: Class, Race, Immigration Status and Family Life,” Ph.D. diss., Boston University, 2016.


Chan, Sucheng. Survivors: Cambodian Refugees in the United States. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2004.

De Milo, David. “Jury Duty,” Boston Magazine, November 1986.

Smith-Hefner, Nancy Joan. Khmer American: Identity and Moral Education in a Diasporic Community. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999.

Tang, Suet-ling Shirley. “‘Enough Is Enough’: Struggles for Cambodian American Community Development in Revere, Massachusetts.” Ph.D. diss., State University of New York at Buffalo, 2002.


Burrill, Gary. Away: Maritimers in Massachusetts, Ontario and Albert: An Oral History of Leaving Home. Montreal, Canada: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1992.

Kennedy, Albert J. “The Provincials,” Acadiensis, 4:2 (Spring 1975): 85-101.

Cape Verdeans

Almeida, Ray. “The Church and the People of Cape Verde.” 1997.

Gibau, Gina Sánchez. “Contested Identities: Narratives of Race and Ethnicity in the Cape Verdean Diaspora.” Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 12 (July 2005): 405–38.

Halter, Marilyn. Between Race and Ethnicity: Cape Verdean American Immigrants, 1880-1965. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1993.

Lima, Ambrizeth Helena. The Socialization of Cabo Verdean Immigrant Youth in Urban America. Leiden, the Netherlands: Brill Publishing, 2022.

Pires, Jessica F., “Uphams Corner and ‘Other’ Spaces: Racialized Youth Identities in Boston’s Cape Verdean Community,” Senior Honors Thesis, Colby College, Digital Commons, 2013.

Central Americans

Alvarado, Blanca. “Exploitation in the Shadows: Unauthorized Latina Migrants Tell Their Story.” Ph.D. diss., Boston University, 2007.

Chaskel, Sebastián. “From Yucuaiquín to Somerville: Religious Beliefs and Traditions of a Transnational Community.” Medford, Mass.: Tufts University, Fall 2004. Urban Borderlands Records. Tufts Digital Collections and Archives.

Lado, Karen M. “Immigrant Workers in the Cleaning Industry: The Central American Experience in Boston.” M.A. thesis, MIT, 1994.

Schmalzbauer, Leah. Striving and Surviving: A Daily Life Analysis of Transnational Honduran Families. New York: Routledge, 2005.

Somerville/Cambridge Latino Community History Project, 2006 2002. Urban Borderlands Records, Tufts Digital Collections and Archives.

Uriarte, Miren, et al. “Salvadorans, Guatemalans, Hondurans and Colombians: A Scan of Needs of Recent Latin American Immigrants to the Boston Area.” Boston: Mauricio Gastón Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston, 2003.


Blockstein, Mike, Reanne Estrada, David Lawrence, and Asian Community Development Corporation. A Chinatown Banquet. Boston, 2006.

Boston 200 Corporation. Chinatown. Boston: Boston 200 Corporation, 1976.

Chen, Thomas. “Desire Lines: Chinese American Geographies and Urban Development in Boston’s Postwar Chinatown.” Ph.D. dissertation, Brown University, 2014.

Chinese American Civic Association. “Report on the Conference on the Future of Boston’s Chinatown.” Boston, 1972. available at Boston Public Library.

Chu, Doris C. J. Chinese in Massachusetts: Their Experiences and Contributions. Boston: Chinese Culture Institute, 1987.

Chi-kan, Richard Hung. “Separate but Connected: Challenges Amid Progress for Chinese American Enclaves in Boston.” Research paper. University of Massachusetts Boston, 2004.

Lam, Margaret C. “Chinese Immigrant Women in the Garment Industry in Boston, Massachusetts 1965-1985.” Honors Thesis, Harvard College, 1991.

Liu, Michael. Forever Struggle: Activism, Identity, and Survival in Boston’s Chinatown, 1880-2018. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2020.

Liu, Mike. “Grass Roots Politics and Boston’s Asian Community.” Radical America 17/18 (Nov. 1983): 80–86.

Lo, Shauna. “Chinese Women Entering New England: Chinese Exclusion Act Case Files, Boston, 1911-1925,” New England Quarterly 81 (September 2008): 383-409.

Muse, Erika. The Evangelical Church in Boston’s Chinatown: A Discourse of Language, Gender and Identity. New York: Routledge, 2005.

Newendorp, Nicole. “Chinese-born Seniors on the Move: Transnational Mobility and Family Life Between the Pearl River Delta and Boston, Massachusetts.” Institute for Asian American Studies Publications, Paper 26, 2011.

Sullivan, Charles, Kathlyn Hatch, and Action for Boston Community Development. Planning and Evaluation Department. “The Chinese in Boston, 1970.” Boston, 1970.

Teng, Emma J. “Chinese Elites and U.S. Gatekeeping: Racial Discrimination and Class Privilege in Boston’s 1905 King Incident,” Modern American History, 4 (March 2021): 1-24.

Wang, Zhongxin. “A History of Chinese Churches in Boston (1876–1994).” Th.D. diss. Boston University School of Theology, 2000.

Wong, K. Scott. “‘The Eagle Seeks a Helpless Quarry’: Chinatown, the Police, and the Press; The 1903 Boston Chinatown Raid Revisited.” Amerasia Journal 22, no. 3 (1996): 81–103.


Borges-Mendez, Ramon, Michael Liu, and Paul Watanabe. Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Neighborhood Revitalization: Studies of the Allston Village, East Boston, and Fields Corner Neighborhoods in Boston. Malden, MA: Immigrant Learning Center, 2005.

Boston. BRA Research Division and the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Advancement. Imagine All the People: Colombians, 2016.

Caraballo, Jorge. “‘Donmatías, Massachusetts.'” Medium (blog), December 9, 2015.

East Boston, Nuestra Casa. Medium (blog), April 11, 2017.

Chomsky, Aviva. Linked Labor Histories: New England, Colombia, and the Making of a Global Working Class. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2008.

Glaessel-Brown, Eleanor E. “A Time of Transition: Columbian Textile Workers in Lowell in the 1970s” in The Continuing Revolution: A History of Lowell, Massachusetts, edited by Robert Weible. Lowell, MA: Lowell Historical Society, 1991.

Interview with Amelia and Jennifer Sanchez by Colleen Hyland, East Boston, October 17, 2016.

McDonald, Michele, “Deepening Roots Like the Irish and Italians Before Them, Eastie’s Latinos are Forsaking Homeland Dreams to Move from Renting to Owning–Homes, Businesses, Even Burial Plots,” Boston Globe. December 1, 2002.

Shenoy, Rupa, “A Struggling Colombian Village is Revived in East Boston, But It Could Soon Fade Away,” WGBH News. April 26, 2016.


Barber, Llana. Latino City: Immigration and Urban Crisis in Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1945-2000. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2017.

Levitt, Peggy. The Transnational Villagers. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.

Marcelli, Enrico, et al. “Permanently Temporary? The Health and Socioeconomic Integration of Dominicans in Metropolitan Boston.” San Diego, Calif.: Center for Behavioral and Community Health Studies, San Diego State University, 2009.


Cantave, Alix. “Incorporation or Symbiosis: Haitians and African Americans in Mattapan.” Trotter Review 19 (January 2010): 107–23.

Bernstein, David. “Don’t F*ck with Linda.” Boston Magazine, July 2014.

Jackson, Regine O. “After the Exodus: The New Catholics in Boston’s Old Ethnic Neighborhoods.” Religion and American Culture 17 (Summer 2007): 191–212.

———. “The Uses of Diaspora among Haitians in Boston.” In Geographies of the Haitian Diaspora, edited by Regine O. Jackson, 135–62. New York: Routledge, 2011.


Ainley, Leslie G. Boston Mahatma. Boston: B. Humphries, Inc, 1949.

Darby, Paul. “Gaelic sport and the Irish diaspora in Boston, 1879-90,” Irish Historical Studies 33 (November 2003): 387-403.

Dwyer-Ryan, Meaghan. “Ethnic Patriotism: Boston’s Irish and Jews, 1880-1929.” Ph.D. diss., Boston College, 2009.

Gamm, Gerald H. Urban Exodus: Why the Jews Left Boston and the Catholics Stayed. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1999.

Gedutis, Susan. See You at the Hall: Boston’s Golden Era of Irish Music and Dance. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2004.

Handlin, Oscar. Boston’s Immigrants: A Study in Acculturation. Rev. ed. Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1979.

Harris, Ruth-Ann Mellish and Donald M. Jacobs. The Search for Missing Friends : Irish Immigrant Advertisements Placed in the Boston Pilot. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1989.

Hirota, Hidetaka. Expelling the Poor: Atlantic Seaboard States and the Origins of American Immigration Policy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.

MacDonald, Michael Patrick. All Souls : A Family Story from Southie. New York: Ballantine Books, 2000.

Michalczyk, John J. Of Stars & Shamrocks: Boston’s Jews & Irish. Produced by Etoile Productions and National Center for Jewish Film, 2006.

Moloney, Deirdre M. “A Transatlantic Reform: Boston’s Port Protection Program and Irish Women Immigrants,” Journal of American Ethnic History 19 (Fall 1999): 50-66.

Murray, Damien. Irish Nationalists in Boston: Catholicism and Conflict, 1900-1928. Washington, D.C. : The Catholic University of America Press. 2018.

O’Connor, Thomas H. South Boston, My Home Town : The History of an Ethnic Neighborhood. New ed. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1994.

———. The Boston Irish: A Political History. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1995.

O’Neill, Gerard. Rogues and Redeemers: When Politics Was King in Irish Boston. 1st ed. New York: Crown Publishers, 2012.

Quinlin, Michael P. Irish Boston: A Lively Look at Boston’s Colorful Irish Past. 2nd ed. Guilford, Conn.: Globe Pequot Press, 2013.

Ryan, Dennis P. Beyond the Ballot Box: A Social History of the Boston Irish, 1845-1917. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1989.

Ryan, James Emmett. “Fight Club, 1880: B0xing, Class, and Literary Culture in John Boyle O’Reilly’s Boston,” Journal of American Studies 54 (October 2020): 706-36.

Ryan, Michael. The Irish in Boston. Boston: Boston 200, 1975.

Sanders, James W. Irish vs. Yankees: A Social History of the Boston Schools. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.

Stevens, Peter F. Hidden History of the Boston Irish : Little-Known Stories from Ireland’s “Next Parish Over.” Charleston, SC: History Press, 2008.

Whyte, William. “Race Conflicts in the North End of Boston.” New England Quarterly 12 (December 1939): 623–42.


DeMarco, William M. “Ethnics and Enclaves the Italian Settlement in the North End of Boston.” Ph.D. diss., Boston College, 1980.

Ferraiuolo, Augusto. Religious Festive Practices in Boston’s North End : Ephemeral Identities in an Italian American Community. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2009.

Garbus, Julie. “‘My Good Italian Friends’: Vida Scudder and Boston’s Circolo Italo-Americano,” New England Quarterly, 94 (December 2021): 531-63.

Goldfeld, Alex R. The North End: A Brief History of Boston’s Oldest Neighborhood. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2009.

Pasto. “Immigrants and Ethnics: Post-World War II Italian Immigration and Boston’s North End, 1945-2016,”in New Italian Migrations to the United States, Volume I: Politics and History Since 1945, ed. Laura E. Ruberto and Joseph Sciorra. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2017, 105-31.

Prout, Lisa. “Adopting a Home: Il Circolo Italo-Americano and the Local Network that Opened Doors for Boston’s Italian Immigrants, 1903-1915.” Ph.D. diss., Harvard University, 2022.

Puleo, Stephen. The Boston Italians : A Story of Pride, Perseverance, and Paesani, from the Years of the Great Immigration to the Present Day. Boston: Beacon Press, 2007.

Riccio, Anthony V. Portrait of an Italian-American Neighborhood : The North End of Boston. New York: Center for Migration Studies, 1998.

Todisco, Paula J. Boston’s First Neighborhood: The North End. Boston: Boston Public Library, 1976.

Whyte, William. “Race Conflicts in the North End of Boston.” New England Quarterly 12 (December 1939): 623–42.


Antin, Mary. The Promised Land. 2d ed.. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1969.

Conway, Lorie and Leonard Nimoy, WGBH, and American Jewish Historical Society. The Jews of Boston. Boston: WGBH Education Foundation, 1996.

Coreth, Lake. “Chelsea Under Fire: Urban Industrial Life, Urban Crisis, and the Trajectory of Jewish and Latino Chelsea.” Senior honors thesis, Boston College, 2011.

Dwyer-Ryan, Meaghan. Becoming American Jews: Temple Israel of Boston. Waltham, Mass: Brandeis University Press, 2009.

Gamm, Gerald H. Urban Exodus: Why the Jews Left Boston and the Catholics Stayed. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1999.

Levine, Hillel. The Death of an American Jewish Community : A Tragedy of Good Intentions. New York: Free Press, 1992.

Kazis, Bernice, Elaine Bakal, and Zelda Kaplan. Short Stories of a Long Journey: An Oral History of Russian Jewish Resettlement North of Boston. Swampscott, Mass: Hand-In-Hand Oral History Project, 2002.

Michalczyk, John J. Of Stars & Shamrocks: Boston’s Jews & Irish. Produced by Etoile Productions and National Center for Jewish Film, 2006.

Mostov, Stephen G. “A Sociological Portrait of German Jewish Immigrants in Boston: 1845-1861.” AJS Review 3 (1978): 121-52.

Norwood, Stephen H. “Marauding Youth and teh Christian Front: Antisemitic Violence in Boston and New York During World War II, American Jewish History, Vol. 91:2 (June 2003): 233-67.

Pierce, Alan S. A History of Boston’s Jewish North Shore. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2009.

Sarna, Jonathan D. and Ellen Smith. The Jews of Boston. New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press, 2005.

Simon, Rita J. and Melanie Brooks. “Soviet Jewish Immigrants’ Adjustment in Four United States Cities.” Journal of Jewish Communal Service 60 (November 1983): 56–64.

Wieder, Arnold A. The Early Jewish Community of Boston’s North End; a Sociologically Oriented Study of an Eastern European Jewish Immigrant Community in an American Big-City Neighborhood between 1870 and 1900. Waltham, Mass: Brandeis University, 1962.


Baik, Crystal Mun-hye. “Korean Immigration to the United States After World War II.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History, 2019.

Boston Korea Diaspora Project, Boston University, 2015.

Chai, Karen Jung Won. “Protestant-Catholic-Buddhist: Korean Americans and Religious Adaptation in Greater Boston.” Ph.D. diss., Harvard University, 2000.

—. “Inter-ethnic Religious Diversity: Korean Buddhists and Protestants in Greater Boston.” In Korean Americans and Their Religions, edited by Ho-Youn Kwon, Kwang Chun Kim, and R. Stephen Warner, 273-94. State College: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001.

Curry, Thomas. “A Korean Catholic Experience: St. Philip Neri Parish in the Archdiocese of Boston.” US Catholic Historian 18 (Winter 2000).

Denzell, Maureen. “Koreans Keep the Faith, As Pursuit of the American Dream Threatens to Divide Them, Immigrants and Their Children Turn to Church to Keep Their Community Whole,” Boston Globe, Janurary 12, 1995.

Kupel, Nathan James Bae. “Profiles of Asian American Subgroups in Massachusetts: Korean Americans in Massachusetts,” 2010.  Institute for Asian American Studies Publications. 24.

Matt Rocheleau. “Korean Enclave Grows Strong Roots in Boston’s Allston-Brighton Area,” Boston Globe, October 28, 2012.

New England Centennial Committe of Korean Immigration to the United States. History of Koreans in New England. Seoul, Korea: San-Hak Press, 2004.


Alvarado, Blanca. “Exploitation in the Shadows: Unauthorized Latina Migrants Tell Their Story.” Ph.D. diss., Boston University, 2007.

Borges-Méndez, Ramón, Michael Liu, and Paul Watanabe. “Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Neighborhood Revitalization.” Malden, Mass.: Immigrant Learning Center, 2005.

Bruno, Melania and Mauricio Gastón. “Latinos for Mel King: Some Reflections.” Radical America 17/18 (November 1983): 67–79.

Camayd-Freixas, Yohel and Russell Paul Lopez. Gaps in Representative Democracy: Redistricting, Political Participation, and the Latino Vote in Boston. Boston: Hispanic Office of Planning and Evaluation, 1983.

Chomsky, Aviva. Linked Labor Histories: New England, Colombia, and the Making of a Global Working Class. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2008.

Coreth, Lake. “Chelsea Under Fire: Urban Industrial Life, Urban Crisis, and the Trajectory of Jewish and Latino Chelsea.” Senior honors thesis, Boston College, 2011.

Cuozzo, Joan. Hispanics in Chelsea: Income and Employment. Boston: University of Massachusetts Boston and Chelsea Commission on Hispanic Affairs, 1990.

Hardy-Fanta, Carol. Latina Politics, Latino Politics: Gender, Culture, and Political Participation in Boston. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1993.

Hardy-Fanta, Carol and Jeffrey N. Gerson. Latino Politics in Massachusetts. New York, NY: Routledge, 2002.

Hernandez, Deborah Pacini. “Quiet Crisis: A Community History of Latinos in Cambridge, Massachusetts.” In Latinos in New England, edited by Andrés Torres, 149–70. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2006.

Jacobs, Glenn. “Service versus Advocacy: A Comparison of Two Latino Community-Based Organizations in Chelsea, Massachusetts.” Trotter Review 19 (January 2010): 81–106.

Melendez, Sarah Elba. “Hispanos, Desegregation and Bilingual Education: A Case Analysis of the Role of ‘El Comite De Padres’ in the Court-Ordered Desegregation of the Boston Public Schools (1974 – 1975).” Ed.D. diss., Harvard University, 1981.

Ospino, Hoffsman. “Latino Catholics in New England.” In Latinos in New England, edited by Andrés Torres, 203–23. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2006.

Rodríguez, Félix V. Matos. “The ‘Browncoats’ Are Coming: Latino Public History in Boston.” The Public Historian 23 (Fall 2001): 15–28.

Small, Mario Luis. Villa Victoria: The Transformation of Social Capital in a Boston Barrio. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004.

Somerville/Cambridge Latino Community History Project, 2002-2010. Urban Borderlands Records, Digital Collections and Archives, Tufts University.

Task Force on Children Out of School. “The Way We Go to School; the Exclusion of Children in Boston; a Report.” Boston, 1970.

Torres, Andrés, ed. Latinos in New England. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2006.

Uriarte-Gastón, Miren. “Contra Viento y Marea (Against All Odds): Latinos Build Community in Boston.” In Latinos in Boston : Confronting Poverty, Building Community, 1-33. Boston: Boston Persistent Poverty Project, Boston Foundation, 1992.


Ito-Adler, James P. The Portuguese in Cambridge and Somerville. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge Department of Community Development, 1977.

Olasky, Martin. “Life is Difficult for the Majority: The Portuguese of Massachusetts,” Boston Globe, April 30, 1973.

Pap, Leo. The Portuguese Americans. Boston: Twayne, 1981.

Rogers, Francis. “Portuguese” in Stephan Thernstrom, ed., Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University, 1980, 813-881.

“WGBH Journal; The Portuguese Community in Cambridge and Somerville, Interview with Victor Sidel, and News of the Day with Louis Lyons ,” 1978-03-24, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (WGBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC.

South Asians

Boston Redevelopment Authority, Imagine All the People: Indians in Boston. 2016.

Considine, Craig. Islam, Race, and Pluralism in the Pakistani Diaspora. London & New York: Routledge – Taylor & Francis Group,  2017.

Levitt, Peggy. God Needs No Passport. New York: New Press, 2007.

Masurkar, Alpita. “South Asians in Boston.” M.A. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012.

“How Asian-Indians Experience America.” Diversity, Spring 2007.


Boosahda, Elizabeth. Arab-American Faces and Voices. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2003.

Bordewich, Chloe and Lydia Harrington. Boston’s Little Syria: The Rise and Fall of a Diasporic Neighborhood, November 19, 2022.

Hagopian, Elaine C. “The Institutional Development of the Arab-American Community of Boston: A Sketch.” In The Arab Americans: Studies in Assimilation, edited by Elaine C. Hagopian and Ann Paden. Willamette, IL: Medina University Press International, 1969.

Shakir, Evelyn. “Good Works, Good Times: The Syrian Ladies Aid Society of Boston.” In Crossing the Waters: Arab Speaking Immigrants to the United States before 1940, edited by Eric C. Hoogland. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1987, 133-43.

Shakir, Evelyn. “Boston, Massachusetts: Dream of a Good Land,” in Taking Root, Bearing Fruit: The Arab American Experience, special issue of the ADC Issues, 1984, 43-47.

Tinory, Eugene. Journey From Ammeah. Brattleboro, VT: Amana Books, 1986.


Aguilar-San Juan, Karin. Little Saigons : Staying Vietnamese in America. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009.

Bloemraad, Irene. Becoming a Citizen: Incorporating Immigrants and Refugees in the United States and Canada. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006.

Schipper, Henry. “The Boat People of Boston:” Boston Magazine, June 1980.

Nguyen, Thanh-Nghi Bao. “Vietnamese Manicurists: The Making of an Ethnic Niche.” Ph.D. diss., Boston University, 2010.

McGroarty, Patrick M. “The Lion in Fields Corner: Building a Vietnamese Community in the New Boston.” Senior honors thesis, Boston College, 2006.

Borges-Méndez, Ramón, Michael Liu, and Paul Watanabe. “Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Neighborhood Revitalization.” Malden, Mass.: Immigrant Learning Center, 2005.

Paul Watanabe. “The Rebirth of Fields Corner: Vietnamese Immigrant Entrepreneurs and the Revitalization of a Boston Neighborhood.” Western New England Law Review 31 (2009): 781–95.

West Indians

Johnson, Violet Showers. The Other Black Bostonians: West Indians in Boston, 1900-1950. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006.

–. “Relentless Ex-colonials and Militant Immigrants: Protest Strategies of Boston’s West Indian Immigrants, 1910-1950.” In The Civil Rights Movement Revisited: Critical Perspectives on the Struggle for Racial Equality in the United States, edited by Patrick B Miller, Therese Frey Steffen and Elisabeth Schafer-Wunsche, 9-20. LIT VERLAG/Transaction Publishers, 2001.

Refugees and Asylees

Aguilar-San Juan, Karin. Little Saigons : Staying Vietnamese in America. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009.

Bloemraad, Irene. Becoming a Citizen: Incorporating Immigrants and Refugees in the United States and Canada. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006.

Bon Tempo, Carl. “Refugees, Asylees, and Immigrants,” in Immigrants in American History: Arrival, Adaptation, and Integration, vol. 4, edited by Elliott R. Barkan, 1521-37. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2013.

Camacho, Paul, Abdi Dirshe, Mohamoud and Mohammad J. Farah. “The Somali Diaspora in Greater Boston,” Trotter Review 22, no. 1, 99-119.

Kazis, Bernice, Elaine Bakal, and Zelda Kaplan. Short Stories of a Long Journey: An Oral History of Russian Jewish Resettlement North of Boston. Swampscott, Mass: Hand-In-Hand Oral History Project, 2002.

Schipper, Henry. “The Boat People of Boston:” Boston Magazine, June 1980.

Smith-Hefner, Nancy Joan. Khmer American: Identity and Moral Education in a Diasporic Community. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999.

Simon, Rita J. and Melanie Brooks. “Soviet Jewish Immigrants’ Adjustment in Four United States Cities.” Journal of Jewish Communal Service 60 (November 1983): 56–64.

Work and the Economy

Acehan, Isil. “‘Ottoman Street in America’: Turkish Leatherworkers in Peabody, Massachusetts,” International Review of Social History 54 (December 2009): 19 – 44.

Berdick, Chris. “Fare Game?” Boston Magazine, September 2004.

Borges-Méndez, Ramon, et al. “Immigrant Workers in the Massachusetts Health Care Industry: A Report on Status and Future Prospects.” Center for Social Policy, University of Massachusetts Boston, 2009.

Borges-Méndez, Ramón, Michael Liu, and Paul Watanabe. “Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Neighborhood Revitalization.” Malden, Mass.: Immigrant Learning Center, 2005.

Chomsky, Aviva. Linked Labor Histories: New England, Colombia, and the Making of a Global Working Class. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2008.

Green, James R. Boston’s Workers: A Labor History. Boston: Boston Public Library, 1979.

Halter, Marilyn. New Migrants in the Marketplace: Boston’s Ethnic Entrepreneurs. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1995.

Kreider, Benjamin A. “Labor’s “New Kids on the Block:” Three Essays on Collaboration Between Immigrant Worker Centers and Unions.” Ph.D. diss., Brandeis University, 2021.

Lam, Margaret C. “Chinese Immigrant Women in the Garment Industry in Boston, Massachusetts 1965-1985.” Honors Thesis, Harvard College, 1991.

Monti, Daniel J., Laurel Smith-Doerr, and James McQuaid. “Immigrant Entrepreneurs in the Massachusetts Biotechnology Industry.” Malden, Mass.: Immigrant Learning Center, 2007.

Nguyen, Thanh-Nghi Bao. “Vietnamese Manicurists: The Making of an Ethnic Niche.” Ph.D., Boston University, 2010.

Sum, Andrew , et al. “The Changing Workforce: Immigrants and the New Economy in Massachusetts.” Boston: MassINC, 1999.

Watanabe, Paul. “The Rebirth of Fields Corner: Vietnamese Immigrant Entrepreneurs and the Revitalization of a Boston Neighborhood.” Western New England Law Review 31 (2009): 781–95.

Nativism, Racism and Violence

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Links to Sources on Greater Boston Area Immigration

Boston Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Advancement 

Immigrant Learning Center 

Immigration Stories: The World Comes to Lowell, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Jewish Women’s Archives

Lawrence History Center 

Our Home: An East Boston Community Archiving Project, Northeastern University

Pluralism Project: World Religions in Greater Boston, Harvard University

Ethnic Newspapers of Greater Boston (click here for complete list)

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